[科技] 百度图像识别准确率超人眼水平
日期:2023-02-27 17:34:03 / 人气:227
a装备72个超强处置器和144个图形处置器。11日,百度在刊发的论文中称其超级计算机已被用于指点机器学习软件,在图片辨认方面打破了谷歌坚持的纪录。百度之所以可以在ImageNet测试中获得佳绩,依托的是一种名爲“深度学习”的算法。“深度学习”是近几年呈现的新人工智能技术。百度近年频繁在人工智能范畴加大投资,目前曾经树立了宏大的神经网络,也是世界上第一个树立“深度学习”的神经网络的企业。此前的世界很好纪录4.82%由谷歌发明,而微软在此测试中也到达4.94%的不俗成果,异样的实验中,人眼辨识的错误率大约爲5.1%。三个企业的研讨效果均在视觉辨认应战中逾越了人类视觉才能。[photo:baidu]There is a running joke in China about the image search engine of Google and that of its Chinese counterpart Baidu. The joke says if you search for an image of Jupiters moon Io, Google will show you a whole lot of other images of Io. Baidu will show you a load of pancakes. That might be just a joke, but now Baidu says its image recognition technologies have achieved higher accuracy than Google.Baidu publisheda paperthis week to explain the new record achieved by its supercomputer Minwa. It reported a top-5 error rate of 4.58 percent in recognizing images, for example, telling a specific breed of dog.The top-5 error rate is measured by analyzing how often the systems top five guesses for a given image miss the right answer.Previously, Google held the best record with a top-5 error rate of 4.82 percent, while Microsoft managed to make it to 4.94 percent. These artificial intelligence systems all did better than humans, as the average error rate of humans is 5.1 percent.Baidu says its supercomputer Minwa is powered by 72 Intel Xeon processors, and has 144 graphic processing units. Baidu scientists have been training it to learn essential characteristics of subjects, and so Minwa has learned to recognize a subject even if the image is distorted or colored.In the paper, Baidu offers test results to show how powerful Minwa is when it recognizes subjects from an image off a printed photo, even if the photo is held at an oblique angle.Baidu says it has earlier used a similar approach for speech recognition, and "also achieved state-of-the-art results."版权一切:英语环球NEWSPlus前往搜狐,检查更多责任编辑:
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